jesse nelson | IG:
jellyfish Bloom 
after a long day of Ice fishing, two siblings encounter magical sea creatures on their walk home.
art block
A high school student and his dad get into an argument over art.
concept and storyboards by me, script by Fallon McElwaine
ultimate mecha - Zane scene
I was hired to do boards for a scene from an upcoming sci-fi anime with an indie company. Set in a futuristic Cyberpunk city, a mischievous boy with a love for mechs gets into trouble.

creds: story and characters belong to Team Ultimate Mecha. background assets were supplied by different artists, including the drink shop exterior and the mech interior. Xora (the girl) and Jett (the small robot) were designed by different artists. Zane designed by me. 

a young Egyptian nobleman is playing fetch with his dog when his prized possession is stolen by a tiny thief. 
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